Supports us by managing our German donations and with our website.
Support us finacially with school scolarships for kids outside of the Eliezer Home and other projects.
Rev. Jari Kuusi, Pastor of the Isojoki Lutheran Church
Is a lifetime supporter for the Eliezer Children Ministry and she is spreading the word about the children home in India by word and through social media. Her aim is to give good quality education to our kids. Because of her great love for the children, she stresses the importance of longterm support to give the children the chance of a self sustaining life in the future. With her many international contacts and her regular visits at the children home she is a very important member of our Eliezer Family.
Helps us with financial support and everyday challenges.
The association SySTEP supports us from Germany with expert advice. For example, individual conflict situations at ELIEZER are worked on by SySTEP and systemic solution strategies are shown to us. Especially in the area of trauma education, the association provided us with new know-how.
House No. 27, Khel 2
Chumukedima A Village,
Dimapur 797103 - Nagaland
Director: Mr. Tinumeren Ozukum
Chairwoman: Mrs. Aosen Imchen
Secretary: Dr. Chubakumzuk
Advisor: Mr. Y.I. Imchen
and other board members