The Children home is lead by Dr. Tinumeren Ozukum and Mrs. Aosenla Imchen. Dr. Tinumeren Ozukum is the official chairman of the childrens home. Together with his wife, they serve the children as their parants. Altough having two children of their own, they don't want to differentiate between the children. They love and care for the orphans just as they were their own.
Das Kinderheim wird von Tinumeren und Aosenla Imchen Ozukum geleitet. Tinumeren Ozukum ist der offizielle Leiter des Waisenhauses. Zusammen mit seiner Frau dienen die beiden den Kindern als Ersatzeltern. Obwohl sie einen eigenen Sohn haben, Arlen, wollen sie keinen Unterschied zwischen den Kindern machen. Sie lieben und kümmern sich um die Waisen als wären es ihre eigenen Kinder.
Tinumeren Ozukum: "Im Januar kam der Leiter des Eliezer Kinderheims auf unsere Familie zu und fragte uns, ob sich unsere Familie vorstellen könnte, die Verantwortung für das Eliezer Kinderheim zu übernehmen. Das war für uns Gottes Ruf, der uns auffoderte diesen Dienst zu übernehmen. Zu dieser Zeit war ich selbst in Deutschland und meine Frau war mit meinem einmonatigen Sohn zu Hause in Indien. Wir hatten bis dahin keine finanzielle Unterstützung und sind gerade selbst so über die Runden gekommen. Ganz nüchtern gesehen war es für unsere Familie eingentlich unmöglich diese Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Wir waren aber berührt von den Erzählungen und Erlebnissen dieser Kinder. Viele von ihnen litten Folter, Hunger und Erniedrigung bevor sie in unser Zuhause gebracht wurden.."
Dr. Tinumeren Ozukum is pastor and teacher in the Department of Communication at the Clark Theological College. He did his Bachelor and Master of Theology at the Senate of Serampore College in West Bengal, Indien. He did his PHD in the year 2018 from the Friedrich-Alexaner University in Erlangen, Germany.
Since September 2013, he is married to Aosenla Imchen. Together they have a son, Arlen, and a daugther, Kiteren. He as his wife are dedicated theologians and together they run the Eliezer Childrens Home in Dimapur, Nagaland in India.
After graduating from his Bachelor in Theology, Dr. Tinumeren Ozukum served as a youth paster in the Chuchuyimlang Baptist Church in the Mokokchung disctrict (2005 bis 2007). After his master studies in theology, he taught at the Master's college for Theology, Vishakapatnam, Senate of Serampor College for three years. During his academic carrier he contributed to several publications. Some of his publications are: "Life After Life: Biblical Implication", in Holy Book Life After Life (International Interfaith Conference 2013), “A Study of the Political Economy of Mass Media, Towards Media Education among the Churches in India”(Master’s College Theological Journal, July, 2013), “The Potential of New Media in Religion” in Creative Communication, edited, L. Imsutoshi Jamir, A. Temjen Jamir, C. Temjen Longkumer, (Mokokchung: CTC, 2014), “The Significance of Communication in Ekklesia” in Ekklesia: Indian Conversations, edited Samuel George, H. Joseph Lalfakmawia, Ajungla Jamir, (New Delhi: MCT & CWI, 2014).
Tinumeren Ozukum ist Theologiestudent. Er hat bereits seinen Bachelor und Master in Theologie an der Seanate of Serampore Universität in Indien abgeschlossen. Im Moment arbeitet er an seiner Doktorarbeit an der Friedrich Alexander Universität, Erlangen in Deutschland. Er begann mit seiner Arbeit in Deutschland 2014.
Seid September 2013 ist er verheiratet mit Aosenla Imchen und hat einen Sohn, Moasunep Arlen Ozukum. Sowohl er aks auch seine Frau sind hingebungsvolle Theologen und als Familie betreiben sie zusammen ein Waisenhaus, "Eliezer Kinderheim" in Dimapur, Nagaland, Indien.
Nach seinem Abschuluss als Bachelor der Theologie, arbeitete Tinumeren Ozukum als Jugendpastor in der Chuchuyimlang Baptisten Gemeinde, im Mokokchung Viertel von 2005 bis 2007. Nach seinem Mastersudium in Theologie lehrte er für 3 Jahre an dem Master's College für Theologie, Vishakapatnam, unter der Senate of Serampor Universität. Zusammen mit seiner akademischen und dienstlichen Arbeit turg er zu einigen Veröffentlichungen in Büchern und Zeitschriften bei. Einige seiner akademischen Werke sind: "Life After Life: Biblical Implication", in Holy Book Life After Life, /International Interfaith Conference 2013), “A Study of the Political Economy of Mass Media, Towards Media Education among the Churches in India”(Master’s College Theological Journal, July, 2013), “The Potential of New Media in Religion” in Creative Communication, edited, L. Imsutoshi Jamir, A. Temjen Jamir, C. Temjen Longkumer, (Mokokchung: CTC, 2014), “The Significance of Communication in Ekklesia” in Ekklesia: Indian Conversations, edited Samuel George, H. Joseph Lalfakmawia, Ajungla Jamir, (New Delhi: MCT & CWI, 2014).
Mrs. Aosenla Imchen is one of the leaders of the Eliezer Childrens home. She did her Bachelor of Arts at the St. Anthony's College Shillong Meghalaya North East Hill Universität (NEHU), and her Bachelor of Divinity, as well as her Master of Theologie at the Senate of Serampore College in West Bengal, Indien.
After graduating in her Bachelor of Divinity she worked as a boarding school mentor at the St. John Higher Secondary Residential School, Dimapur. After her master studies she worked as teacher at the Church on the Rock Theological College, Vishakhapatnam, Indien. During her studies and her academical work, she contributed to several academic publications:
Beyond the Temple Structures: Theological Musings for the Post-Exilic Community: New Life Theological Journal, 2013 for New Life Biblical Seminary, Kerala, India. Personification of Wisdom in the Theology of Wisdom Literature at Journal for Church on the Rock Theological Seminary, 2013. Politicise Power Structure Vs. Democratic People’s Struggle: Resonating Responsibilities of the Church. (Co-presented at the Chennai Inter Theological Seminar, October 2012). Building Hope in Solidarity with the People (Gurukul Jyothi, 2012 College Magazine for Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute). Drops of Justice and Peace (Gurukul Jyothi, 2013 College Magazine for Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute)
Dominik Rittweg has been amongst the founders of the project from the very beginning. He serves as the lieson between several groups, organisations and churches. Together with his wife he is coordinating the pedagogical assistance of SyStep e.V. (Hof /Saale). He is a pastor in the German Lutheran Church and works there with young adults and does missionary work. Frequent trips to Nagaland and regular contact with the family Ozukum connects the whole family Rittweg with Eliezer.
Daniel Quick joined the team in 2016. As a close friend of the family Ozukum he visits them regularly in India and invests in the personal relations to the parents and the kids. He also coordinated and planned the execution of the construction of the new house.
Daniel is working as a software engineer in Stuttgart and is engaged in voluntary work with the SMD worldwide. In the future he will do the coordination and instruction of the volunteers going to the Eliezer home.
Michael Ortner has been amongst the founders of the project from the very beginning and connects GMS with the Eliezer Home. Franziska joined in the year 2018.
Michael and Franziska are responsible for the Homepage, the translation of the Newsletter and support the organisation and transparency of the finances in Germany.
Both are working in the field of electrical engineering and support the home with tools for the day to day organisational tasks.
House No. 27, Khel 2
Chumukedima A Village,
Dimapur 797103 - Nagaland
Director: Mr. Tinumeren Ozukum
Chairwoman: Mrs. Aosen Imchen
Secretary: Dr. Chubakumzuk
Advisor: Mr. Y.I. Imchen
and other board members